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What causes stomach pain in the evening?

Many people complain of stomach aches in the evening. A significant reason for it could be aggravation in Vata dosha. Since Vata controls the movement in the body, problems like joint aches and bloating and flatulence can be a result of its imbalance. Aside from this, there could be other reasons which could lead to stomach pain and disturb the Vata dosha. Let’s find out about them in the post below, shall we? Low-fibre intake Fibre helps absorb nutrients and eliminate stool from the body by adding bulk to it. A low-fibre diet can make it difficult to excrete properly, leading to constipation, bloating and stomach aches. Make sure that you eat fibre as much as possible throughout the day to avoid this situation. You can also drink herbal tea for digestion to alleviate the pain. Eating too late in the evening Irregular eating times can interfere with your digestion. The body works according to a bio clock and changing it every few days can lead to several digestive problems. Firstly, s
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